Risks Worth Taking


As life gets more complicated, the better we need to be at decision-making. Eventually, we must stop relying on others (early on it's our parents, then teachers, bosses, and other authority figures) to make our choices. Yet learning how to decide effectively is a skill many of us struggle with. This is especially true when it comes to deciding if we should pursue something out of our comfort zone.

“Amazingly, only 10 percent of the population continuously challenges themselves to live outside of their comfort zones. Unfortunately, the other 90 percent is afraid to get uncomfortable. Many of us want more out of life, but we live in fear. We worry about failing, how we will be perceived, or we tell ourselves we can’t do it.” (Get, 2015)

Spoiler alert: everything you ever wanted is at least one step out of your comfort zone. In fact, stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is the best way to grow.

But this is easier said than done. So how can we work on it?

Our class was lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak with University of Richmond alum Brett Wigdortz, the Founder and now Honorary President of Teach First in the U.K., and co-founder of Tiney. After his presentation, we were able to ask him questions about his life and career choices. I asked Mr. Wigdortz to talk about how he approached difficult decision making, and I wrote down a few of his thoughts:

★ “I’m so glad I didn’t just follow the path that was easier.”
★ “I got where I am today by taking advantage of every opportunity. Even if it seems like what you want will be harder, you’ll learn more from taking risks instead of just staying in your comfort zone.”
★ “When luck happens, take advantage of it!”
★ “It’s important to take time when making decisions. People have to make their own mistakes to figure out what works. In the end, you have to make your own decisions and figure out what is best for you.”
★ “I wouldn’t be happy if I didn’t give my dreams a chance. This meant I had to embrace discomfort and take risks.”

As I’ve been learning lately, the best way to embrace the discomfort that comes along with making bold decisions is to remember the benefits. For instance, taking risks reminds you that you can accomplish a lot more than you think you can, which in turn boosts your self-confidence. Pushing yourself helps you face and overcome your fears, expanding your boundaries and world. And it lets you live a life with more excitement and fewer regrets. Over time, challenging yourself becomes easier as you learn that stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to discover personal strengths that you never knew you had.

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